The Tennessee Constables’ Association Commendation Bar Program is a nominations-based program designed to recognize the law enforcement service of Constable members of the Tennessee Constables’ Association. Nominations can be made by fellow Constables and any member of the public. The TCA Review Board will review the submissions and make recommendations to the Executive Director. Each year, the commendation recipients will be honored at the annual awards banquet.
The nominated Constable must be a current member of the TCA and the event must have happened while the person is/was serving as Constable in order to be eligible. Facts and any proof surrounding the event should be provided by the person submitting the form. The person submitting the form should pay close attention to ensure the requirements for the commendation they are submitting are completely met. The person submitting the form should describe individual incidents/events that merit the award.
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Medal of Honor
Awarded for bravery and valor above and beyond the call of duty.
Medal of Valor
Distinguishing symbol of courage and strength of mind in the face of danger to protect life.
Purple Heart
Recognizes selflessness for enduring injury in the line of duty.
Meritorious Conduct
Reflects the integrity and devotion shown in a recipient’s character.
Life Saving
Recognizes a selfless act in the saving of human life.
Patriotic Symbol
Symbol showing American pride, dedication, and commitment to public service.